Pre-Qualifying your Wedding Clients
Oct 08, 2018I know, this is a sensitive subject. Some believe that you should take any client, no matter what their budget. So hear me out...
I do believe in taking the time to get to know the potential client before you schedule an appointment. There are some ways to find out if they are the right fit ahead of time.
I personally use a form to find out more about them before scheduling a consultation. This helps figure out where the potential clients are having their special event, what other vendors they may be working with and how many guests they are expecting. All of these insights help you prepare for meeting with them.
Along with this primary form, I do provide them with our Wedding Floral Calculator. This helps me get an idea of where they are regarding the budget. This calculator is so insightful as to their needs and expectations too.
Handling inquiries can be a tricky as you peel back the layers of what they are looking for, but it can also be gratifying when you have the right clients~a perfect match!
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