Mom—My Best Friend
May 08, 2018I know, it sounds trite, but really my mom, Jeanie, is my best friend!
When I started out in this business years ago (and I mean years, people!), my mom was my biggest cheerleader. And, she still is today. I decided to delve into the florist business pretty soon after high school. Mom and I went to design classes together every Monday night for a year. Traveling around the beltway in Washington DC traffic just to learn how to design with flowers. What a time that was!
She would have a dinner packed to eat on the go, and I would hop in the car from my full-time job, and away we would go. The instructor was a head-designer at the famed “Blackistone’s” florist in Washington DC. That shop has long since closed, but the memories are still with me today. Back then, we were hitting the start of the trend in “reflexing” a rose; all arrangements were linear, and we based designs with galax leaves. Minimalism was key.
Anyway, back on subject! My Mom worked alongside me for over 24 years before she retired. She moved about 45 minutes away, so I have to plan time to see her, but we talk every day. She knows every shortfall I have but still loves me no matter what and has cheered me on with every success. What more could you ask for in a best friend?
There will be more stories and antics of our times together throughout the years, but this one just gives you a glimpse of the extraordinary woman she is. And at Mother’s Day, this is the best time to give her kudos for a friendship that lasts a lifetime.
I love you, Momma!
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