How do you handle Roadblocks?
Jul 24, 2019I was talking with my Growth Coach the other day. (Yes, I did say my coach--I believe in coaching. I don't just provide coaching, I take it too! This is a topic for another day.) Anyway, we were talking about roadblocks. She asked, "How do you handle them?" could hear a pin drop. Then I answered her. This was a tough question and my answer wasn't one that I excited to tell her. To answer honestly, for most of my career, I've tried to dodge them!
I thought about this a lot since then and here's a visual that I came up with:
Imagine you're playing a video game; the road is in front of you and in the distance, you see a roadblock. You know, those concrete road barriers lined up across the road.
You have two choices:
- Wait until it comes right in front of you and you have to take your massive Thor-looking hammer and crush it before the time runs out. Or,
- You can use the Thor hammer and point it from afar and blast that thing to smithereens!
For years, I would wait, ignoring that roadblock and then stress while I hammered away at it, time and time again, hoping that it wouldn't ruin me because I waited until the last minute. Instead, can you imagine if as soon as I saw the roadblock coming, I would just laser it? It would be gone in a second and I could continue down the road and even enjoy the route I was taking. Maybe, just maybe, even take a moment to stop and see the things along the road that I could enjoy.
My coaching has taught me to laser those roadblocks out of the way! I am enjoying seeing how this is changing my business and outlook. What an impact this would have had if I had learned this years ago. Now, I don't look back and wish those lessons learned didn't happen; I just realized that I could have had some stronger intentions, goals and taken more time to enjoy, even savor, the wins a bit more!
This is what I hope for you too! Are you a roadblock cruncher or a laser-blaster? If a roadblock cruncher, let's get those lasers out and blast through them. In my Fleurish and Profit Academy, we will be addressing all these roadblocks. I know that you'd rather be designing instead of dealing with all the business roadblocks.
The Academy will be launched in August and I want you to be in on it! The founding members will be signed up with their monthly subscription set for the life of your membership--no increases! No that's something to cheer about!
Sign-up for the waitlist on the homepage and join me on a journey to be a laser-blaster in your floral business.
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