Branding Your Business - The Photo Shoot Part 1
Apr 07, 2021UGH!
It was the first thought I had when I realized that I needed to do a photo shoot to help create the brand for The Business of Flowers!
It's super intimidating as an introvert to think of parading images of me all over the internet. I mean, did I really need to do that? I was used to photographing my flowers and let my designs speak for me. But, if I was going to connect with my audience, I knew I needed to be a more personal in my approach.
I knew I couldn't "hide" behind my floral designs, I had to step into getting some branding that included me. After all, I knew it was time for a brand shoot. Honestly, it was keeping me in "stuck mode" and putting off talking about what I do. I hate being in "stuck mode" so it was time to do something about it!
On my search for a photographer that did brand shoots, I found Ali. Finding a "brand photographer" wasn't as easy of a task as I thought it would be. With COVID keeping everyone at home and not really networking like I was used to, I needed to do some research before I found who I thought I would resonate with.
Ali and I realized after we had our discovery call that we had worked together in the past on a few events, which was great! Once I connected which events we had worked on, I knew I liked her style and her personality even more!
We went on a journey together as she helped me prepare for exactly a branding shoot entailed. It was so much more than just showing up and getting photographed myself. I loved incorporating things about me as well as special things about my business.
I thought I'd share her blog here , so you can see how it turned out! I loved it and it was so refreshing. She brought out my personality, AND we had a great time.
Next week's post, I'll share some of Ali's tips from her most recent guest appearance in the Floral Business Academy's group LIVE this week!
And, if you're a member of the Floral Business Academy, her Brand Shoot Tips are in your FREE resources. You can join the Floral Business Academy here for free too! It's a win/win!
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