An Alaskan Peony Retreat
Aug 15, 2018It started with just a quick mention..."Who wants to join me in Alaska for a retreat on a peony farm?" said Kelly Shore of Petals by the Shore.
I jumped at the opportunity to spend a few days on a peony farm in Alaska with now new friends. What an experience it was! From the breathtaking scenery, peonies abounding, gaining knowledge to getting to know fellow florists and farmers, hands down this was an exciting trip.
Our retreat was arranged by Kelly and Beth & Kurt van Sant from Scenic Place Peonies. They couldn't have been better hosts! We visited 5 farms, took a hike to a glacier, went foraging for driftwood on The Spit, learned how to grade peonies, pack peonies and learned what the farmers go thru just to get these precious blooms into our hands!
We had a day of designing together, two florists who live there in Homer, Alaska; along with two other florists who joined us on the retreat. Sharing stories and enjoying each other's company enriched our lives.
A photo shoot with our designs was a must, and we had some fantastic photographers that took the time to capture our flowers (especially peonies!). I'll share those in another post. :)
You must admit, this pic from the glacier seems a bit unreal, right? It was truly breathtaking. I've never experienced something so calming, quiet and beautiful.
Appreciating peonies on a whole new level as well as being humbled at what these farms do to bring us the most gorgeous fresh product to work with was a highlight that I'll never forget!
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